
books read 2011.

I've been keeping a list of books I read since I was 16. Today the number is up to 141 ... 6 books this year. It has been a slow year for reading ... I read all day at work so one of the last things I feel compelled to do when I get home is sit down and open a book. But here is a recap of the books I've read in 2011.

136. Radical - David Platt (04/09)
137. Note to Self - Joe Thorn (09/19)
138. Jesus + Nothing = Everything - Tullian Tchividjian (12/07)
139. O Little Town - Don Reid (12/27)
140. Life on Hold - Karen McQuestion (12/30)
141. Gospel - JD Greear (12/31)

My favorite was by far Jesus + Nothing = Everything. I highly recommend it. Part of my new year's resolutions include reading more. Here are 12 books we have that I'd like to read in 2012:

When Sinners Say I Do - Dave Harvey
The Meaning of Marriage - Tim Keller
A Meal with Jesus - Tim Chester
Don't Waste Your Life - John Piper
Heroes of the Cross - John Paton
Jonathan Edwards on the Good Life - Strachan, Sweeney
Instruments in the Redeemer's Hands - Paul Tripp
Same Kind of Different as Me - Ron Hall and Denver Moore
Linchpin - Seth Godin
Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy - Eric Metaxas
Prodigal God - Tim Keller
Practical Theology for Women  - Wendy Alsup

Read any good books lately? Leave a comment!


  1. do you ever read literature?

  2. Great list. I just got Jesus + Nothing = Everything and have just started it. It is great! I love Tullian's blog as well. One of my goals for 2012 is to read more and spend less time on the Internet. You have many great books on your list for the upcoming year. When Sinners Say I Do and Instruments in the Redeemer's Hands are two of my all time favorites. Keep pressing on...


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