
the week.

What a week. Things have been pretty busy here in Nashville. Lots of changes at work which have been scary and exciting at the same time. I get to work on a new project that I am very excited about and am so glad for the opportunity. Nate and I are learning that this is just a season of life that is going to involve a lot of change and we are going to embrace it. That's what you're supposed to do when you're young, right?

In other news, I got accepted to The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary! (SBTS) The same school Nate is in working on his M.Div. I applied to work toward a Masters in Christian Education. There is a campus just south of Nashville and I get to take advantage of the spouse tuition discount. :) I'll start out slow, probably just one class this spring on Monday nights. Nate is planning on taking 18 hours ... 3 will come from his attending the Together for the Gospel conference this spring in Louisville, but the other 15 will make it a rough few months. He is still working full time at Starbucks. It will be tough going but the more hours, the faster he can get done with his degree.

This morning I slept in until 9 a.m.! That's like a Nashville record for me. I'm usually up by 7 on the weekends. Nate had his Immanuel Theology Group (ITG) today, and Douglas Moo, like the world scholar on the Book of Romans, was there teaching all the guys. I picked up their lunch from Corky's BBQ and then went home and took a nap.

Tomorrow night if you're in Nashville from 7-8:30 p.m., come by Immanuel Church for our annual Christmas concert. It will be a great time with music and the night is benefiting a church plant called South City Church. The guy planting that church is who we got Otis from.

In the mail today I got a book I ordered: The Gospel Story Bible. We love the Jesus Storybook Bible, and this is along the same lines but includes 156 stories from the Old and New Testament. I'm excited to read it.

65 degrees in Nashville today. I would love a warm winter.

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