
hello, friday.

Ah, Friday. After sick days and vacation, this was my first full week back in the office in 2011. It was a blur. I spent most of the week editing on a new product. First edits are rough. Don't get me wrong; we have very talented and creative writers, but for whatever reason I am bleeding all over the place here. Bleeding. Not literally (I'm sure that's some kind of health hazard in an office environment) but if someone walked by and glanced in here they might think I've stabbed myself with my Fiskars and got it all over my work. I grew up with the impression that all editors were grumpy, heartless meanies who hate everything that comes on their desk. I don't hate everything that lands in my inbox, but I kind of get the stereotype.

On a happier note, one of my photos made it on the Nashvillest blog today. I read the Nashvillest blog every day (usually twice a day because they post that often). It's just a great place to stay up-to-date with what's happening in Music City. And their writers make reading news fun. They're pretty witty.

Last week I went to the eye doctor and I got glasses. I'm not confident enought to wear them all the time, but I wear them at home and when I'm driving and it's amazing! I can see! I used to hate driving at night but the lights are no longer fuzzy. Incredible.

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