Ah, weekend. This past week has been crazy-busy so it's been nice to slow down for a couple of days. Friday after work I stopped by my house (I'll call it my house even though I haven't closed on it yet) because the home inspector was there. I met Tiffany there and he explained some of the things he found and then yesterday e-mailed me a 50-page report. Some of the major safety issues included the fact that none of the outlets were grounded. But there was nothing too terrible; the house is not falling apart or anything. :) We'll decide what the seller needs to fix and what things I, as a competent homeowner, could get to later.
Yesterday was pretty low-key. In the morning I watched Away We Go, a movie starring John Krasinski (Jim, from "The Office"). I took our recycling to the drop-off site. I wrote a letter, made two birthday cards, and filled out some paperwork for mail-order prescriptions and got all of those things in the mailbox. Finished up writing interview questions and sent them to Jason Waller. I'm writing an article for my hometown newspaper. I'm really excited about it.
Last night I babysat for the first time in... 5 or 6 years, I think. I watched Reed, who is 2 1/2 years old. He's a sweetie! Loves racing cars (we definitely spent about 30 minutes just pushing cars back and forth to each other and making them wreck, haha). Very short attention span when it comes to Play-Doh. I showed Reed how to press and roll the Play-Doh to make a snake. Reed likes Teddy Grahams and playing with blocks. The DUPLO blocks had a propeller-type attachment in them which Reed just loved to spin and tell me it was a windmill. I said, "Reed, have you ever seen a windmill?" He said, "Yes, on the ceiling." (Fan)
Then we got to playing this game where Reed would jump up and down and then throw himself on the couch and say, "I need to rest." I closed my eyes and said, "Goodnight, Reed. See you in the morning." Then he'd lay there a few seconds and get up and yell and I'd open my eyes and say, "Reed! You're awake!" And he thought it was the funniest thing and kept doing it over and over.
Pretty good day. Have I mentioned that I love Nashville? Every day this year I've been keeping track of at least three things for which I thank God. It's cool to look back and see how He brought me here:
February 16, 2009: Being offered an interview for an internship at LifeWay
March 19, 2009: LifeWay interview
March 24, 2009: Very good news. I'm moving to Nashville
May 25, 2009: Getting some housing leads in Nashville
May 27, 2009: Making it to Nashville safely
May 29, 2009: Moving into a townhouse in Madison, TN
June 1, 2009: Awesome LifeWay orientation
June 11, 2009: Meeting the heads of the publishing division (making connections)
June 17, 2009: Getting good news about my future
June 21, 2009: First time at First Baptist Nashville--everyone was so nice!
July 7, 2009: Getting an encouraging e-mail telling me I'm doing a good job at work
July 8, 2009: Meeting Dr. Rainer and Ed Stetzer
July 11, 2009: finding a place to live possibly Sept - Nov.
July 12, 2009: Getting baptized at First Baptist Nashville
July 20, 2009: Finding out that job interviews are next week
July 24, 2009: the awesome opportunity to work with Andrea all summer
July 27, 2009: the job interview going pretty well
July 29, 2009: getting an contract position for at least two weeks
August 7, 2009: getting a job offer... and taking it!
August 14, 2009: meeting with a banker about a home loan
August 18, 2009: getting my TN license plate
August 24, 2009: house shopping with my real estate agent
August 31, 2009: moving in with Kate and Rachel
September 2, 2009: Tiffany showing me a great house
September 3, 2009: Making an offer on a house!
September 11, 2009: Accepting a counter-offer on the house
Thank you so much for keeping Reed last night. After you left he said, "Where Miss Awyssa go? Awyssa fun." I guess coming home sick from the ballgame was not in his plans for me!